When you access a module, you are directed to the Trip Register page. Before you start your fishing trip, you must enter your settings. To do this, click on the “EDIT SETTINGS” button at the top of the page.
The settings page appears. It contains all the information related to your fishing license. This information is only recorded at the time of registration. At the start of each season, all you have to do is update it.
Fill in the Fishing type section. For lobster, only the DFO region is required.
Fill in the Operator section. The Operator’s name is the name of the captain, and the Licence holder’s FIN.
Fill in the Crew section. This feature allows you to register all your helpers for the entire season. It saves you having to fill in a paper crew register. Click on the “Add a crewman” button.
Click on the “Add a crewman” button to add a fisherman’s assistant and complete the requested information. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary. They will be registered for the entire fishing season.
The Number of crewmen will adjust automatically.
Fill in the Vessel section: Vessel Registration Number and whether you have a Partnership agreement.
Complete the Licenses section: Fishing licence Number, Target Specie, Fishing Area and Total Number of Gears. This information is available on your fishing license.
Fill in the Baits section. This is the bait you use most frequently. This information can be changed in your trips.
Fill in the Ports of departure and arrival section. Click on the blue arrows. In each menu, select the Region, Sub-region and Port.
Depending on your module or fishing area, complete the Transfers section by answering the question “Will you be making transfers?”. Generally applies only to Anticosti area 17b.
Click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the page.
If you forgot to fill in a field, it will be displayed in red. Complete it to save your data.
When all the information is completed, a message confirms the saving of your data. Press “OK” to close it.