- This is for Fishermen who are unable to fish during all or part of the fishing season. Please refer to your license conditions. To do so, in the main menu at the top of the page, click on “INACTIVITY REPORTS”.
- You are directed to the report register page. It consists of 3 sections: Open reports, Closed reports and Sent reports.
- To create a report, click on the “ADD REPORT” button.
- A report consists of a data entry page and a review page.
- The first section gathers report Identification information: Unique report ID, JOBEL version, supplier and report creation.
- Complete the General Information section: DFO Region, Operator’s name, License holder’S FIN, Vessel name and Number.
- Complete Inactivity information: Fishing license number, Start and End of Inactivity Period, and Reason for inactivity.
- For date and time fields, click on the “Automatic clock” button, or fill them in manually by clicking on the small calendar and dial.
- You can delete this period by clicking on the “Delete period 1” button.
- You can add a period by clicking on the “Add period” button.
- When you have completed all the requested information, click on the “REVIEW” button.
- You are taken to the report data page. This brings together all the information previously recorded.
- If you’ve made a mistake, you can change it by clicking on the “EDIT REPORT” button at the bottom of the page.
- When all the information has been checked, click on the “CLOSE REPORT” button at the bottom of the page.
- A message appears asking you to confirm the report closure. Click “YES” if everything is correct.
- A message confirms that the report has been closed successfully. Click on the “OK” button.
- Your report is in the CLOSED REPORTS section. Click on the “SEND REPORT” button.
- Click on “SEND REPORT” button on the details report page.
- Click the “OK” button on the message that appears.
- Your report is now in the SENT REPORTS section. A green check mark indicates that it has been processed successfully. If you wish to see the details of the report, click on the “VIEW REPORT” button.
- The transmission log confirms that the report has been processed and validated by DFO.
- To return to the report register, click on the “Return to report register” button.