•  If you have lost or found any of your fishing gear, answer “YES” to the question “Did you lose or find any of your fishing gear during this fishing effort?” on page 3 of your trip. The message asking you to complete the declaration will appear.

  •  The lost or found gear declaration appears on page 5.

  •  Select the Gear status from the menu, by clicking on the blue arrow. Warning! You can only declare your own fishing gears.

  •  Some fields are pre-filled, but you can modify them: declaration date and loss dates, target species…

  • Complete the information requested: Number of lost traps, description, length of rope, number of lost buoys.

  •  Add the tag numbers corresponding to the lost trap. Each number must be separated by a semicolon.

  •  If you’ve saved the wrong tag number, you can delete it by clicking on the cross associated with the tag, then save the correct tag number.

  • Click on the “NEXT” button to complete your trip.

  •  The trip data page displays the lost gear report form. It will be sent to DFO when the trip is dispatched.

  •  The transmission table confirms that Form 223 for lost/found gear has been sent.